Urban development is being considered as one of the major
objectives of the development plan of tho government of 3ri Lanka.
However, the path to urban development has not been so
smooth, but full of obstacles, especially in the content of land development.
Land taxation is one of the effective tools vjhich could be
used in alleviating these problems.
nevertheless, thus far, land taxation has been regarded only
as a source of revenue to the local authorities and to the government.
It ha3 not been treated as an important component of urban development
This study aims at providing guideliness for an appropriate 1
land taxation policy for urban development.
The structure of this study is as follows:-
Chapter I gives a brief introduction of the general back
ground of the study.
Chapter II attempts to appraise the problems of land development
with a special reference to the urban area of Colombo.
Chapter III deals t&th some theorllo^ical aspects of land
taxation and attempts to high light the capability of land taxation in
solving land development.
Chapter IV examine the present approches to tax urban land
briefly and attempt to hgfc high light the inadequency of the present
system in promoting urban development.
Chapter V is an attempt to have a closer look at the nature
of the problen and to identify the potentials and constraints for the
formulation of a land taxation policy.
Chapter VI deals v&th the experience of land taxation in
a few countries and suggest some ways in which we can develop an
appropriate approach to tackle the problem.
In the light of these analysis chapter VII attempts to provide
come guideliness for an appropriate land taxation policy for urban
development •
Mendis, N.S.P. (1980). Some guidelines for a land taxation policy for urban develoment [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/9829