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Enhancing the existing benefits of robotic process automation in the logistics industry

Show simple item record Prabodha, S Liyanage, H
dc.contributor.editor Abeysooriya, R
dc.contributor.editor Hemachandra, K
dc.contributor.editor Adikariwattage, V 2024-03-18T03:51:46Z 2024-03-18T03:51:46Z 2023-12-09
dc.identifier.citation S. Prabodha and H. Liyanage, "Enhancing the Existing Benefits of Robotic Process Automation in the Logistics Industry," 2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2023, pp. 258-263, doi: 10.1109/MERCon60487.2023.10355398. en_US
dc.description.abstract Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a transformative technology, offering immense potential for streamlining operations across various industries, including logistics. However, despite its widespread adoption, a significant gap exists between the promise and actual realization of RPA benefits realization in the logistics industry. This research aims to bridge this gap by identifying and prioritizing the impediment factors that hinder the full realization of RPA benefits in the logistics industry. Through a comprehensive methodology comprising evaluating existing benefits, identifying impediment factors, developing a hierarchical relationship model, and providing real-world examples to show the impact of those impediment factors using three case studies. According to the findings, lack of interdepartmental coordination is the most significant impedimental factor as its driving power is high over other factors. By addressing these factors, organizations in the logistics industry can optimize their operations and fully leverage the benefits of RPA implementation, leading to enhanced performance and operational efficiency. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IEEE en_US
dc.relation.uri en_US
dc.subject Robotic process automation en_US
dc.subject logistics industry en_US
dc.subject Impedimental factors en_US
dc.subject Benefits realization en_US
dc.subject Enhancement en_US
dc.title Enhancing the existing benefits of robotic process automation in the logistics industry en_US
dc.type Conference-Full-text en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Engineering en_US
dc.identifier.department Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa en_US
dc.identifier.year 2023 en_US
dc.identifier.conference Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2023 en_US Katubedda en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos pp. 258-263 en_US
dc.identifier.proceeding Proceedings of Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference 2023 en_US [email protected] en_US [email protected] en_US

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