Through the land use policies and practices, it is expected to achieve national, regional and local economies, productivity, health and efficiency. Other objectives of those policies, such as improving physical environment, strengthening urban economy, conserving ecological equilibrium and fostering social values. In other wards that should be achieved planned and sustainable urban development. It is, therefore, necessary to formulate rational and long-term land use planning policies.
In the process of urbanization that makes the high pressure on urban lands and demanding lands for various activities. That is basically under four categories of social, economic, physical and environmental aspects. Through the process of urbanization, regulations are challenging when meets the needs of the people
As a policy, land development regulations have been formulated by UDA for the urban development areas and those are practiced by the respective local authority. But when examine the applicability of these regulations in ground level; it is found that the most of regulations are not applicable to most of areas. Especially in the case of hilly urban areas, this situation can be observed.
Therefore, this study was attempted to check the applicability of existing land development regulations which gazette by UDA in 1986.accordingly, this will only check the degree of compliance of the development to the existing land development regulations in the urban development areas which declared by UDA. Accordingly to the results of the study, it was revealed that land subdivisions which evaluated; 73% are only compliance to the existing land development regulations and 90% are comply to the building regulations by the existing buildings in the flat land area. But this situation is totally different in hilly urban area in the case of regulation applicability. According to the analysis of the hilly land area, it is revealed that 60% is only compliance with the existing land subdivision regulations. In other wards 40% of existing land subdivision regulations is in the inapplicability situation. When examine the condition of building regulations, it was found that only 35% is only in applicable situation. It
meansthat the 65% of the building regulations are not comply with building developments in the hilly land areas.
In addition to above analysis, it was conducted the professional perception survey. The objective of this survey was to identify the professional experience in applicability of land development regulations. According to the survey, it was revealed the 70% professionals are not satisfied with existing regulations. According to above survey, most of land development regulations are in inapplicable condition specially areas of hilly land.
Accordingly, this study attempted to check the applicability of existing land development regulations which practiced in urban areas. In the mean time it was identified the inapplicable regulations. Therefore it is needed to reconsider this regulations and it should be re Gazettes them to achieve plan and sustainable urban development.
Ekanayake, E.M.S.B. (2010). An Evaluation of land development regulations of urban development authority with respect to urban areas [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1956