The rapid urbanization has resulted in unprecedented concentration of population into Western Province of the country. It evident that the suitable land and services are not sufficient for the comers is not enough at the moment. At the same time as an outcome of this population increase a large number of properties development projects are coming up. The involvement of state sector institutions. in addition to private sector developers in these projects is a new trend. Despite this trend there is a widespread argument about the success and failure of these projects. On the other hand indirect effects of these housing projects have cost time and money in most often.
Housing is a sub sector in overall government policy framework. It provides the maintenance of labor productivity in broader terms. Theoretically housing is said to be a process and the House is the resultant product of this process. There are main four actors in this process. Their actions and decision determines the level of success of the outcome. The actors are State. Developers and Users. The involvement of these parties in projects differs from projects to project. It is examined that which part) can fultill the different task for the success of the housing process.
The case studies taken in this research are mainly from middle income housing projects implemented in Western Province with the participation of different actors. It is revealed that the different task is more appropriate to allocate for certain party for the success of the project. Likewise the land provision can more appropriately be allocated to the State solely or in association with private sector. Since large extent of lands in western province is owned by State allocation of these lands for housing needs state participation. The private sector owing to its capacity and resources can successfully handle the design and construction component in housing project. This task has often not successful under state participation. In investor driven housing projects the uses responsibility would be to future management of the common elements in the project. his task is all importart and it needs a participatory approach. The legal background provides sut1icient strength for the users to handle this task.
Wasantha, K.J. (2011). State participation in investor driven housing delivery process : special attention to middle income housing in urban context [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1949