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Influence of mechanical and aggregate properties of rock on powder factor in rock blasting

Show simple item record Karunanayake, KDP Dharmaratne, PGR Rohitha, LPS
dc.contributor.editor Abeysinghe, AMKB
dc.contributor.editor Dassanayake, ABN
dc.contributor.editor Elakneswaran, Y 2017-11-01T13:59:30Z 2017-11-01T13:59:30Z
dc.identifier.citation Karunanayake, K.D.P., Dharmaratne, P.G.R., & Rohitha, L.P.S. (2017). Influence of mechanical and aggregate properties of rock on powder factor in rock blasting. In A.M.K.B. Abeysinghe, A.B.N. Dassanayake & Y. Elakneswaran (Eds.), Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment 2017 (pp. 105-112) Department of Earth Resources Engineering, University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract Profit margins in metal quarrying have drastically reduced in Sri Lanka due to high powder factors recorded in recent rock blasting activities. Importance of analysing the influence of mechanical and aggregate rock properties on the powder factor arises in this context to determine suitable rocks in which expenditure on blasting is minimal during the production stage. Eight quarries operated under the close supervision of qualified Mining Engineers were selected for this study to ensure that a proper blasting geometry and configurations have been properly managed during the period of study. Random core samples were obtained from each quarry site and tested for Density, Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), Tensile Strength and Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) and Rock Mass Rating (RMR). Explosive consumption and drilling records for the past six months were obtained from each quarry for the calculation of powder factor. Powder factor was plotted against each selected rock property and regression analysis was performed to understand their standalone influence. Results of the analysis concluded that the aggregate rock properties, especially Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) have a greater influence on the powder factor. Relationship established in this research can be used to predict powder factor of a fresh rock before conducting any blasting activity. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Mechanical/Aggregate properties of rocks en_US
dc.subject Powder factor
dc.subject Rock blasting
dc.title Influence of mechanical and aggregate properties of rock on powder factor in rock blasting en_US
dc.type Conference Full-text en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Engineering en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Earth Resources Engineering en_US
dc.identifier.year 2017 en_US
dc.identifier.conference International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment 2017 en_US Wadduwa en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos pp. 105-112 en_US
dc.identifier.proceeding Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Resources Management & Environment 2017 [email protected] en_US

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