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Fatigue capacity of cold-formed steel roof battens under cyclic wind uplift loads

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dc.contributor.advisor , Steel roofing systems, Thin steel roof battens, Wind action, Pull-through failures, Fatigue, Miner’s rule Kathekeyan, M Mahendran, M 2015-12-29T09:58:47Z 2015-12-29T09:58:47Z 2015-12-29
dc.description.abstract Abstract: Steel roofs made of thin cold-formed steel roof claddings and battens are widely used in low-rise residential and industrial buildings all around the world. However, they suffer from premature localised pullthrough failures in the batten to rafter connections during high wind events. A recent study proposed a suitable design equation for the pull-through failures of thin steel roof battens. However, it was limited to static wind uplift loading. In contrast, most cyclone/storm events produce cyclic wind uplift forces on roofs for a significantly long period, thus causing premature fatigue pull-through failures at lower loads. Therefore, a series of constant amplitude cyclic load tests was conducted on small and full scale roof panels made of a commonly used industrial roof batten to develop their S-N curves. A series of multi-level cyclic tests, including the recently introduced low-high-low (LHL) fatigue loading test, was also undertaken to simulate a design cyclone. Using the S-N curves, the static pullthrough design capacity equation was modified to include the effects of fatigue. Applicability of Miner’s rule was evaluated in order to predict the fatigue damage caused by multi-level cyclic tests such as the LHL test, and suitable modifications were made. The combined use of the modified Miner’s law and the S-N curve of roof battens will allow a conservative estimation of the fatigue design capacity of roof battens without conducting the LHL tests simulating a design cyclone. This paper presents the details of this study, and the results. en_US
dc.subject Cold-formed steel structures en_US
dc.subject Steel roofing systems
dc.subject Thin steel roof battens,
dc.subject Wind action
dc.subject Pull-through failures
dc.subject Fatigue
dc.subject Miner’s rule
dc.title Fatigue capacity of cold-formed steel roof battens under cyclic wind uplift loads en_US
dc.type Conference-Full-text en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Engineering en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Engineering en_US
dc.identifier.year 2015 en_US
dc.identifier.conference 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management 2015 en_US Kandy, Sri Lanka en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos 12 en_US [email protected] en_US

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