Settlement process of the Mahaweli project has passed two decades. It is a reasonable time period for a sustainable development of a settlement and its self-reliance. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the regional development linkages taken place in newly openedup settlement areas in the Mahaweli project. The next objective is to examine the adopted planning criteria in relation to the anticipated development and to document the findingsfor the benefit of next generation and to fulfil the academic purpose. Chapterone in this study discusses on regional planning related to settlement development inthe theoretical perspective. The central place theory and growth pole theory appeared to be the most relevant concepts among various other locational theories related to settlement development. Then it deals with discussion and on problems related to application of the aboveconcepts and it leads to examine the evolution og regional planning. Chapter two examines the background of regional planning in Sri Lanka emphasizing human settlement development. In this respect, the evolutionary process of human settlementdevelopment is examined in the historical perspective. Further, it focuses on the problems and issues related to the development of human settlement schemes under a regionalplanning framework in Sri Lanka. Chapter three is confined to an analysis of regional planning aspects of Mahaweli Development Programme with special reference to the settlement development. In this respect, it focuses on identifying the background of the Mahaweli Development Programme considering the main features of the Master plan and the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Programme. Secondly, it would consider the legislative implications to establish the institutional setup for the execution of the regional development plan. Finally it examines the impact of regional planning on human settlement development. It discusses some of the concepts related to the settlement planningin Mahaweli Development Programme and its achievements related to settlement developmentand also its related problems and issues.
Rajasinghe, D.J.V. (2000). An Analytical study on regional planning approach related to human settlement development in Mahaweli development programme with special reference to system C [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/11348