This study is concernedon Urban developmentand the impact on land values with a case study in Battaramulla . The discussion in the study has been pursued in five chapters. The first chapter deals with the definitions and theoretical concepts of urban development and urban land. It also discusses the importanceof urban land in urban development. Chapter two of the study examines the significance of land planning and land development on land value. It discusses the matters arise through the ad-hoc land development by the private land developers. It further discusses the reasons for the emergence of blocks of land that are irrationally integrated with the existing urban structures. The chapter highlights that these factors further limit the supply of land and limited supply of land hinder urban developmentand therefore it is necessary to increase the supply of land bymeans of urban planning. The third chapter examines the land market operations in the context of Colombo Urban Area of Sri Lanka. It discusses the recent trends in land values and the factors that influence on land value. It further emphasised that the government measures for increasing land supply and stabilising prices are generally ad-hoc and grossly inadequate.
Wickramaarachchi, N.C. (1997). A Study of urban development and the impact on land values a case study in Battaramulla [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/11345