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Land Pooling" as a technique for land planning and the promotion of urban development

Show simple item record Weerakoon, KSM 2015-09-16T08:18:22Z 2015-09-16T08:18:22Z 2015-09-16
dc.identifier.citation Weerakoon, K.S.M. (1985). Land Pooling" as a technique for land planning and the promotion of urban development [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract Recently develoned land mana~ement and land plannin~ techniques such as the 'Land Poolin~ Technique' have been adouted and successfully nractised in a few develo9in~ countries such as Korea and Taiwan. Nevertheless it is still not nractised widely in the South Asian Region. It is the nrime objective of this study to examine the feasibility of annlying this land development technique, to the urban situation in Sri Lanka. For this nurnose a study of the under-develoned areas in the city of Colombo was undertaken. This study consists of 7 Chanters. Chanter one deals with the nroblem of land, such as undesirable land utilization high land values created by unmanav,eable growth of urban centres. It also examines the nresent land nolicies and their adequacy to deal with uroblems that arise in urban areas. The Second Chan.ter deals with the -n- rosn..ects of urban growth in the Colombo Urban area and the demand for urban land. It deals with the natural topo~ranhic situation, the rate of nODulation ~rowth and concentration of economic activities. It sgecifically deals with the magnitudes in terms of land values consequent to the new economic nolicies introduced after 1977. It further discusses the develonment trends in terms of data regarding develonment activities in the city and its immediate suburbs since 1977. The Third Chanter discuss some land nlanning techniques, eX9lain in detail the Land Pooling Technique. This entails a comparative study of the countries which are practising the land Dooling technique, and why they have adopted this narticular technique for urban develoument. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Land Pooling" as a technique for land planning and the promotion of urban development en_US
dc.type Thesis-Abstract en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Architecture en_US MSc. en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Town and Country Planning en_US 1985
dc.identifier.accno 52153 en_US

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